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Tree trunks - Træstammer

So... here you go !


80g butter (use salted if you like sweet and salty flavours - otherwise use unsalted)

250g left over sponge cake

2 tbsp cocoa powder (we use strong callebaut)

2 tbsp jam, I love blackcurrant jam, but you can use any jam you like

250g white marzipan

100g melted dark chocolate

2 tbsp rum


Put all the ingredients into the food mixer and blitz until you have a smooth paste. Remove and cover in clingfilm and put in the fridge for two hours.

To make the green marzipan we advise making sure you haven't got any old white porcelain or wood, as you don't want green stains. Plastic is best.

Add 1 tsp of green dye to the marzipan and mix it with your hands until you get the right colour of green. We like it quite dark, so go with what works for you.

Now add some icing sugar to your surface and roll out the marzipan into a neat rectangle. You can always do 2 rectangles if you prefer.

Then take the paste out of the fridge and roll it into long cigar shapes, approx 2 cm in diameter. Then lay these on the rolled out marzipan and cover, then with a knife carefully cut off and pinch the ends together.

You should have long green worms. Then cut these into little logs approx 5 cm long.

Melt the chocolate gently and then dip each end of your log into the chocolate and leave on baking parchment to dry. Once dry stick them back into the fridge.

Enjoy !


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